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የነጻነት ቀን ዩኤስኤ የተመለከተው መያዣ ለiPhone®

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የነጻነት ቀን ዩኤስኤ ልዩ የሆነ ጉዳይ ፡ ለጭረቶች እና እብጠቶች እንኳን ደህና መጡ! የነጻነት ቀን ዩኤስኤ ስፔክለድ ኬዝ ስልክዎን ከመውደቅ እና ከአደጋ ይጠብቀዋል። ዛሬ ያግኙት እና ስልክዎን በቅጡ ይጠብቁት።

• የነጻነት ቀን ዩኤስኤ ስፔክላይድ ኬዝ ክፍሎች፡- አፈር (30%)፣ ሽንኩርት (7.5%)፣ ካሮት (7.5%)፣ በርበሬ (7.5%)፣ መጋዝ (1.5%)፣ ሩዝ (18%)፣ አኩሪ አተር (18%)፣ ስንዴ (10%)
• የፀረ-ድንጋጤ ጥበቃ የነጻነት ቀን የዩኤስኤ ስፔክልድ ጉዳይ
• ከ 1.8 ሚሜ በላይ ውፍረት
• ሊበላሽ የሚችል እና መከላከያ CPE 07 ቦርሳ ውስጥ ተጭኖ በካርቶን ሳጥን ውስጥ ተልኳል።
• የነጻነት ቀን ዩኤስኤ ስፔክልድ ኬዝ ባዶ ምርት ከቻይና የተገኘ

የነጻነት ቀን ዩኤስኤ ስፔክልድ ኬዝ እርስዎ ትዕዛዝ እንደያዙ ለእርስዎ ተዘጋጅቷል፣ለዚህም ነው ለእርስዎ ለማድረስ ትንሽ ጊዜ የሚፈጅብን። ምርቶችን በጅምላ ሳይሆን በፍላጎት ማምረት ከመጠን በላይ ምርትን ለመቀነስ ይረዳል፣ስለዚህ የግዢ ውሳኔዎችን በማሰብ እናመሰግናለን!
    Bye-bye to scratches and bumps! The Speckled Case for iPhone® will guard your phone against falls and mishaps. Get it today and protect your phone in style

• ComponIndependence day USA Speckled Case
    Bye-bye to scratches and bumps! The Speckled Case for iPhone® will guard your phone against falls and mishaps. Get it today and protect your phone in style

• ComponIndependence day USA Speckled Case
    Bye-bye to scratches and bumps! The Speckled Case for iPhone® will guard your phone against falls and mishaps. Get it today and protect your phone in style

• ComponIndependence day USA Speckled Case
    Bye-bye to scratches and bumps! The Speckled Case for iPhone® will guard your phone against falls and mishaps. Get it today and protect your phone in style

• ComponIndependence day USA Speckled Case
    Bye-bye to scratches and bumps! The Speckled Case for iPhone® will guard your phone against falls and mishaps. Get it today and protect your phone in style

• ComponIndependence day USA Speckled Case
    Bye-bye to scratches and bumps! The Speckled Case for iPhone® will guard your phone against falls and mishaps. Get it today and protect your phone in style

• ComponIndependence day USA Speckled Case
    Bye-bye to scratches and bumps! The Speckled Case for iPhone® will guard your phone against falls and mishaps. Get it today and protect your phone in style

• ComponIndependence day USA Speckled Case
    Bye-bye to scratches and bumps! The Speckled Case for iPhone® will guard your phone against falls and mishaps. Get it today and protect your phone in style

• ComponIndependence day USA Speckled Case
    Bye-bye to scratches and bumps! The Speckled Case for iPhone® will guard your phone against falls and mishaps. Get it today and protect your phone in style

• ComponIndependence day USA Speckled Case
    Bye-bye to scratches and bumps! The Speckled Case for iPhone® will guard your phone against falls and mishaps. Get it today and protect your phone in style

• ComponIndependence day USA Speckled Case
    Bye-bye to scratches and bumps! The Speckled Case for iPhone® will guard your phone against falls and mishaps. Get it today and protect your phone in style

• ComponIndependence day USA Speckled Case
    Bye-bye to scratches and bumps! The Speckled Case for iPhone® will guard your phone against falls and mishaps. Get it today and protect your phone in style

• ComponIndependence day USA Speckled Case
    Bye-bye to scratches and bumps! The Speckled Case for iPhone® will guard your phone against falls and mishaps. Get it today and protect your phone in style

• ComponIndependence day USA Speckled Case
    Bye-bye to scratches and bumps! The Speckled Case for iPhone® will guard your phone against falls and mishaps. Get it today and protect your phone in style

• ComponIndependence day USA Speckled Case
    Bye-bye to scratches and bumps! The Speckled Case for iPhone® will guard your phone against falls and mishaps. Get it today and protect your phone in style

• ComponIndependence day USA Speckled Case
    Bye-bye to scratches and bumps! The Speckled Case for iPhone® will guard your phone against falls and mishaps. Get it today and protect your phone in style

• ComponIndependence day USA Speckled Case
    Bye-bye to scratches and bumps! The Speckled Case for iPhone® will guard your phone against falls and mishaps. Get it today and protect your phone in style

• ComponIndependence day USA Speckled Case
    Bye-bye to scratches and bumps! The Speckled Case for iPhone® will guard your phone against falls and mishaps. Get it today and protect your phone in style

• ComponIndependence day USA Speckled Case
    Bye-bye to scratches and bumps! The Speckled Case for iPhone® will guard your phone against falls and mishaps. Get it today and protect your phone in style

• ComponIndependence day USA Speckled Case
    Bye-bye to scratches and bumps! The Speckled Case for iPhone® will guard your phone against falls and mishaps. Get it today and protect your phone in style

• ComponIndependence day USA Speckled Case